Druskos-Haloterapijos Įranga Sausoms Patalpoms iki 35 m²
Druskos Terapijos Įranga Sausoms Patalpoms (Sauna, Tepidariumai, Poilsio Kambariai)
Šis įrenginys skirtas sukurti sausose pirtyse, tepidariume, o taip pat poilsio patalpose druskingos jūros oro efektą, . Pagal nustatytus įrenginio parametrus, įrenginys cikliškai purškia į patalpą druskos tirpalą. Visi parametrai nustatomi ant įrenginio valdymo bloko. Įrenginys turi įrengta dezinfekavimo programą skirta sistemai bei patalpai. Priimant daugelį SPA procedūrų į patalpos oro yra tiekiamas druskos tirpalas, kuris sukuria mikro klimatą labai panašų į jūrinį klimatą, druskos terapija naudojama kvėpavimo takų profilaktikai.
Įrangos įrengimas, techninis aptarnavimas ir naudojimas yra paprastas ir yra nedidelių išmatavimų. Priklausomai nuo poreikių, programoje druskos tirpalo purškimas gali būti įvairiai keičiamas, purškimo laikas ir periodiškumas. Valdymas gali būti atliekamas iš patalpos. Druskos dozavimo purkštukai įrengti patalpos ir įrenginio dezinfekavimo programomis. Komplektuojama su rūko purkštuku, sukuriantis rūko efektą patalpoje.
Nebulisation of brine solution to create a salty sea climate for dry rooms (Tepidarium, Relax rooms, Saunas). The Soldos-SL is spraying a very fine nebulized, sterile brine solution into dry rooms. After a short time you get a salty sea climate in the room. The dosing capacity is sufficient for rooms with a floor space of app. 35 m². The brine solution is primed out of an air sealed bag (Politainer) by a peristaltic pump and conveyed to a two-component jet nozzle where it is nebulized very fine by adding compressed air. This brine mist is then sprayed into the room. The Politainer interfolds when the liquid brine solution is taken out. This procedure prevents the contamination of solution with germs of the ambient air. Furthermore a disinfection system is integrated. Operation via 3,2” full color Touch display with a multitude of possibilities:
- Operation modes: cyclic-, clock timer- and external control
- Week-program for the definition of the individual operation times per day
- Combination of the salt spray with light and sound effects
- Empty switch for a switch-off of the system when brine will get empty
- Day counter for the indication of a possible necessary disinfection and visual description of this procedure
- Definition of several authorisation levels. Each level allows different settings.

Plačiau apie WDT
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tel. +370 699 18403 // +370 685 12284
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Area of Application | Tepidariums, saunas, salt rooms |
Electrical supply | 230 V / AC 50 Hz |
Power supply | 455 W |
Measures dosing system | W 47 cm x H 71 cm x D 24 cm |
Measures compressor | W 24 cm x H 25 cm x D 16 cm |
Empty Weight / Operational Weight | app. 20 kg / 25 kg |
Sound emission in the plants room | 80 dBA |
Sound emission in one meter distance to the nozzle | 70 dBA |
Temperature range | +10°C to +35°C |
Protection class | IP44 |
Nebulisation of performance brine | app. 0,32l brine / h at 40s dosing time and 5 min pause time |
- Controller with 3,2″ Touch installed in housing
- Peristaltic pump SA with rpm control for the adjustment of the dosing quantity / salt concentration
- Water separator
- Mounting board with console for brine bag
- Solenoid piston compressor
- Two-component jet nozzle stainless steel V4A with cover screen, mounting sleeve, 5 m air tube PE and 5 m brine tube PTFE
- Disinfection set with disinfection tab, mixing bottle and recipient
- 5 kg sterile brine solution in brine bag (resp. 1 kg for private use)
- Design cover
- Plants room for the installation of system
- Power socket 230 V/50 Hz
Points to be considered before the installation:
- Before the installation of a SOLDOS all materials have to be checked on their corrosion resistance against the saline mixture of water and air both in the adequate room and additionally in the ventilation pipework.
- The SOLDOS is not licensed for medical purpose.
- Use only pure, disinfected WDT brine solution with a salt concentration of app. 5%. WDT brine solution is delivered in a sterile condition in a closed bag. Outstanding brine solution is affected by bacterial impact and so should not be used.
- Push button plate with bonnet for flush mounting
- 2nd pump and nozzle for cabinets with a bigger surface square of 35 m²
- Illumination
- MP3 player and speakers
- Nozzle cover screen in stainless steel.